How to balance your fitness goals with your social life

Maintaining a busy social life can be tough when you’re trying to get on track with your health and fitness plan.

There are tempting treats, alcohol and tasty desserts, which can sometimes throw us off track and keep us from regularly going to the gym. This can be a very conflicting situation to be caught in, we know because we’ve been there too! So how can you enjoy your social life and at the same time still reach your fitness goals?

So here are our favourite ways to help those get a balance with their health, fitness and social life.


1. Double up on the weeks when you can

There will be weeks when everything works out and it becomes easier to remain consistent with nutrition and training. It could be weeks where your friends are busy, kids are occupied, or work is quiet, therefore distractions are low and can be a time to focus more on yourself. Double down on weeks like this.

Other weeks, it’s a family member’s wedding and your boss has left a load of work for you to complete by Monday. Some weeks just maintenance and keeping things going is better than unrealistically trying to achieve something and failing. Maintenance is not a step backwards!


2. Environment always trumps will-power

We have a limited time and amount of willpower. Sometimes you can have more, sometimes you can have less.

Regardless, at some point, your willpower and motivation will run out, therefore it’s important to put yourself in surroundings which are most helpful with your goals. This way your willpower isn’t being highly tested the whole day.

Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends for support in your dietary choices. The people surrounding us greatly impact our decisions and thought processes, whether we like it or not. If you try to isolate yourself in your journey, it’s more likely that you will fail to sustain that training regime long-term.


3. Make sure the journey is not too pressurising

This is probably one of the most valuable things to go into a dieting phase with.

A lot of people head into a new fitness journey with the false impression that they have to continuously progress. The reality is that you probably don’t need to put that much demand on yourself. Have an idea of phases when you’re going to push yourself through with realistic timelines and others when you’re going to maintain.

For example, we know how important daily movement is going to help change our body shape. Is it going to be easier to get higher daily steps when the days are longer and warmer compared to the winter? Absolutely! Trying to achieve the same in winter is going to be a tougher target to reach.

It sounds easy but the reality of these little things adding up either ensures success or a struggle for many.

So coming into this Spring ask yourself these things:

  1. What would a good week look like to be able to push hard?
  2. Who have I got around me to support me in my journey?
  3. What times a year will I just focus on maintenance?

If you feel you need a little bit more guidance to achieve your health and fitness goals in 2023, then book your FREE personal training consultation with an expert Lean Body Training coach today.




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