July 14

Don’t Focus Too Much on the End Result, Enjoy the Process

Don’t Focus Too Much on the End Result, Enjoy the Process

I understand that it’s easy to stick to something when you enjoy with passion. We also understand that you can stick to something long enough if you really want to achieve great results (and if you’ve clearly decided that it’s something that you want to stick and work towards).

In many cases, getting in shape and feeling stronger isn’t actually most peoples passion, it’s a short term goal, and often it’s not something people give great thought to looking forward.

Now, this shorter-term goal could well turn into a passion or hobby further down the line, we’ve seen it happen so many times.

Often people think that they’ve got to plan way further into the future when they even contemplate making some changes to their body shape.

We can guarantee that many people who are leaner and fitter now (and find it easy to stay that way), at one point, simply decided to start eating a little healthier, tried a gym, before it escalated into something that became a bigger part of their life.

Many people dip in and out of losing weight, for months, if not years, before it finally becomes something they take more seriously and stick to more often. This decision can usually be triggered by a situation or circumstance in their life which has pushed them really to start and stick to a healthier lifestyle.

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Many people also overlook the fact that getting in shape is all about changing everything in one go (but not everything at the same time) it’s all about adapting your life, social networks, daily habits, and who you are on the inside.

We spend so much of our time, helping people when they dip back into their old habits. It’s inevitable when you work with people who are trying to change. Change doesn’t always come easy.

The point to this short article is to not focus too much on the future right at the beginning. Get started, surround yourself with people who have been through the change that you want to become. Learn bit by bit, change one small habit at each time, don’t get frustrated, enjoy the process, and we can assure you it’ll all become a huge part of your life before very long at all. The first few weeks or so can be the hardest time to adapt to your new lifestyle, but once some habits and solid foundations have been built it becomes easier.

If you focus too much on the future at the beginning, it all becomes way too overwhelming, and you often pull out for the fear of the change you can see ahead.

Enjoy the journey, it truly is life-changing.



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