5 Mistakes You’re Likely Making In The Gym

Chances are you fall into one of the three categories:

1. Currently exercising regularly and getting great results.

2. Currently exercising and not getting great results.

3. And not currently exercising but need to do something.

And if you fall into the last two categories, read on. I think you’ll find this beneficial and you’ll perhaps find yourself changing a few things up and going ‘ahah’ in your head as you realise you’re making a few common errors.

1. Keeping your sessions to over an hour.

Results aren’t determined by the length of time you work out, rather what you do in that time.

I’ve seen countless people get in incredible shape working out for no longer than 45 mins a couple of times a week.

With this, their intensity is up and their focus is purely on the workout and technically performing the exercises effectively. Not what’s on the TV, or trending on Instagram.

Stay in the present, reduce your time in the gym and double up your efforts.

2. Always using the cross trainer, treadmill or bike.

Newsflash, cardio equipment isn’t so necessary.

Especially when you’re just going through the motion and aiming for a certain time on each machine.

Strength training will do more for your metabolism then any cardio workout.

Remember as well, working out isn’t supposed to manipulate your weight, that’s what your diet is for.

Aim to get stronger first, reduce your time on the cardio and let your nutrition manipulate the scale. That’s what it’s intended for.

3. Hopping from one machine to another with no rhyme or reason.

There I was last week when a lady spent 45 minutes in the gym going from one machine to the other, with enough time in between sets to literally drive to a coffee shop, catch up with friends and then head back.

There was no intensity and certainly no ‘real’ effort being emphasized throughout the workout.

That very same lady was complaining of not losing weight in the stretching area after.

Simply turning up or purchasing a gym membership doesn’t entitle you to results.

You have to put the work in. And if most of your workouts consist of the machines then learn how to use the barbells and free weights. They’re not there just for the advanced.

They’re there for everyone.

Get a plan from someone in the know, use it and abuse it. Consistently.

4. Using the same workouts from 2007.

Even though you may be uncomfortable stepping outside of your comfort zone, your body is craving for it if you’re looking to get in shape.

You need to create a greater stimulus on your muscles than they’re currently used to in order to change your physique.

That means lift weights, make exercises more challenging and when results start to slow, flip your workouts over and change them up a bit.

Hey, I know some of us are using the same workout plan from years back or what you’ve seen somebody else do. Throw it away and start fresh.

5. Believing generic gym classes are going to get you the body of your looking for.

Sure, they may help in losing a first couple of pounds, and help you find a friend or two but apart from that? There aren’t too many positives.

Gym classes are too sporadic, generic and don’t deal with progressive overload (or correct technique often for that matter).

Invest in a professional, cut the time guessing for yourself or seek expert advice and learn to do things yourself if you really are invested in getting in better shape and improving your health.

So if you’re desperate to just start with something, you can start there, but move on once you’re comfortable with your surroundings.

All the best,


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