These snacks will put a halt to endless snacking
Don’t deny it. We know you do it, sneakily popping a handful of nuts or two, crisps or biscuits into your mouth when you think no one’s looking. Don’t worry, we’re not judging you. But we can help.
If you’re a serial snacker, fear not, try these snacks to help suppress your appetite.
Dark Chocolate
This is for the times when all you feel like is a chocolate bar. A study in Nutrition and Diabetes revealed that when men ate 3.5 ounces of 70% dark chocolate they were less hungry for sweet, fatty, or savoury foods and ate 17% fewer calories two hours later than the guys who ate milk chocolate. Dark chocolate has bigger flavour and is digested slower, say researchers.
Avocado with rice crackers
This snack packs a one-two punch. First, one 2013 study in Nutrition Journal reports that overweight adults who ate only half an avocado reduced afternoon craving by about 40%. The fruit contains monounsaturated, the fats and fibre that fill you up, the researchers suggest. Besides, those monounsaturated fatty acids also exert a favourable effect on your cholesterol, lowering “bad” LDL and increasing “good” HDL levels.
If you’re not into eating your avocado on its own, put slices on a rice cake or crispbread crackers. Compared to wheat bread, rye crisps reduced next-meal calorie intake by 8%, a new Swedish study found. Thank their high fibre content (3 grams for 2 crackers) for just 60 calories and 80 calories for rice cakes*.
Greek yogurt
When Greek yogurt is made its nutrients are concentrated, making this a high-protein appetite buster. The thick, creamy texture of the yogurt also helps to trick our bodies into feeling fuller. You can eat Greek yogurt as you would any other yogurt — add fruit and/or nuts to boost the satiety factor — or use plain Greek yogurt as a substitute for high fat/sugar sauces, on its own or in a dip recipe.
Be weary of “Greek-style” yogurts — some brands get their thickness from the addition of cream, making them high in fat and not the best choice if you are trying to lose weight.
Almonds are great source of healthy fats and make for a great snack between meals — provided you watch portion sizes. Note that the hunger-reducing effects of nuts tend to take about half an hour before you feel them, as their a slow-burner, so eat them before you reach the point of being extremely hungry, or you’ll be tempted to eat more than you need!
An apple
Going simple is sometimes the best snack. When pitted against apple juice, eating a whole apple was best for controlling post-lunch hunger, according to Pennsylvania State University research. The researchers note that apples are a good source of fibre, solid food is more filling than liquids, and the whole fruit itself requires chewing, another important factor to making you full.