Beginners Start Up Guide To Losing Fat

Beginners Start Up Guide To Losing Fat

Have you just started out on your weight loss or you may be thinking of starting up again in September and have quite a lot of body fat to lose?

There are quite a few articles that we put out that relate to people who are already on their journey or have hit a ‘flatline’ on their quest for weight loss and are looking to progress to the next level. However this article isn’t for them, it’s for those of you who are just at the beginning of your journey and need some helpful hints and tips to get you started.


1. Firstly, start out very basic, by cleaning up your diet. Look at first eliminating processed foods, high-fat dairy, gluten, wheat and any food that you know causes inflammation and bloating. Also, eliminate starchy sugary foods such as white bread and pasta, and replace them with gluten-free oats, sweet potato or brown rice. There is no counting calories, no weighing of food, just simply cleaning up your diet. Eat foods that run, swims, is grown in the ground or it can be plucked out of a tree. Very simple.


2. The next step is to set a protein goal, as a guide simply use your body weight in kilograms and start by eating 1.5 grams per kilo of body weight. All you have to do is make sure you hit that total amount every day. So for someone who has a lean body weight of 90 kg, they will need 135 grams of protein spread out through the day. Read my article on: Why Consuming Protein Helps You To Lose Fat


3. Hit a water goal, I encourage everyone we work with at Lean Body drinks at least 2 – 3 litres per day.

These first tips along with training a minimum of 3 times a week, will help you see very good results. There will come a time when you start to stall, this is where a consistent food diary will come in. You can find a sample training programme in the 12 Week Lean Body Transformation Ebook


4. Make a record of your food daily, especially when starting out, this will show how consistent you are being. Inconsistency leads to poor results. So this next step is to just make sure you remain consistent at all times.


5. If you have been training in the gym regularly 3 x a week, this is the time when you could add in an extra training session. This extra session will produce another level of results. This could be a supplementary session such as a long walk or a cycle for example.


So you see, you don’t have to overcomplicate things, you don’t have to count everything at the start, you just have to do the basics and make sure you remain consistent.


As you get leaner, and you lose weight, then you do have to become slightly more specific to see more results.


If you’d like to know how we help our clients at Lean Body Training lose weight, and keep it off, pick up a copy of the Lean Body Training Blueprint ebook by clicking the link.



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