These fast yet effective HIIT workouts will get you in and out the gym in minimal time-with great results.
You can get your workout done fast and still burn tons of fat. How? High-intensity interval training (HIIT). Short bursts of exercises at your max effort with brief recovery periods can seriously rev up your calorie burn.
The great thing about HIIT is that you don’t need gym equipment to get your fat burners revving up. All you need is a workout space, a timer and some motivation! You can wrap up a HIIT session with a mix of bodyweight exercises such as mountain climbers, sprints, push-ups or jump-squats.
Hope you brought a towel. These workouts will leave you soaked..
 Workout 1: Whole body HIIT
How to do it: Complete exercises one after another, then perform again, for 2-3 sets.
5 minutes run (on your maximum)
Circuit 1:
- Pushups x 15
- Bodyweight lunges x 20
- Leg raises- laying flat
- Star jumps
*Rest 1 minute*
 Circuit 2:
Repeat the same run for 5 minutes (at your maximum)
Hold the Plank x 1-minute
- Jump squats
- Russian twists
- Reverse lunges
*Rest 1 minute*
- Finish with one more 5 minute run (and make this your fastest run yet!)
Workout 2: Up the ladder down the ladder
How to do it: Rest 90 seconds when you have gone up and down the ladder, then repeat at least 1 more time! Reversing back 30, 25, 20 etc.
- 5 close grip Push Ups
- 10 Mountain climbers
- 15 Reverse crunches
- 20 Bicyles
- 25 Toe touches
- 30 squats
- 25 Fake jump ropes
- 30 Reverse lunges
Workout 3: Resistance HIIT
How to do it: Complete straight sets after each other.
- Single-arm kettlebell swings x 10 each arm
- Alternating jumping lunges
- Jump squats (focus on jumping high and soft landing) x 10
- Side-to-side push ups on BOSU x 10
- Burpees with BOSU x 10
Repeat 2 times then rest for 2 minutes
Strength set:
- Decline pushups with feet on bench or chair x 10
- Tricep bench dips x 15
- Single arm rows each arm x 12
- Pull ups 10-15
Repeat 2 times and then rest for 2 minutes
 Core round:
- Crunches x 15
- Russian twists x 20
- Leg Raises x 15
Workout 4: The Dirty 30
How to do it: Rest in-between if you need but complete the 30.
- 30 Push-ups
- 30 Low star jumps
- 30 Straight leg raises
- 30 Reverse lunges, alternating legs hands behind head
Rest for 2 minutes and go 2 more times!
Workout 5: The sprint HIIT
How to do it: Complete each sprint set 3 times before moving on to the next.
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Dumbbell shoulder press x 1 minute medium weight
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Tricep dips from box or bench x 1 minute
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Lateral raises x 1 minute
3 sets:
- Sprint 1 x minute
- Squats or jumping Squats x 1 minute
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Walking lunges weighted x 1 minute
Workout 6: Double-up time
How to do it: Repeat 5 times.
- 10 Burpees
- 20 front and back Jump Squats (jump forward, then backwards)
- 40 leg raise scissors
Repeat 4 more times!
Workout 7: Tummy Toner
 How to do it: Sprint for 1 minute, then perform prescribed ab exercise and onto the next set.
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Russian twists x 20 (10 each side)
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Reverse crunches x 20
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Leg raises x 20 (10 each leg)
3 sets:
- Sprint x 1 minute
- Plank x 45 seconds
That’s it! Please let me know if you have any questions! Keep this report on hand for future use.
PS: If you want to know how we can help you get in great shape faster than you ever DREAMED call us: 020 84329991.